CSASI 2nd Vice President Duties (Elected - Max 3 years)
Assume the 1st VP position and duties if the 1st VP is unable to fill the requirement.
Reviews the>
draft CSASI journals for accuracy and provide input. Is the parliamentarian for
the CSAS annual meeting. Introduce legislative matters and awards at the annual
meeting. Is the CSASI historian and post Officers’ history to the CSASI
web site.
- Review draft journals for accuracy inform EIC of result.
- Parliamentarian for CSAS annual meeting.
- Introduce legislation to societies delegate at the annual meeting, read the change(s) to Constitution-By Laws
and/or Standing Rules that is to be considered and voted on.
- Award(s) read the statement concern why the individual is being recognition for.
- Backup for taking meeting minutes if Treasurer/Secretary is not available.
- Backup for making arrangements for the annual meeting works with the Annual Meeting Coordinator
- Secure room by < July 1st of current for next year’s CSASI annual meeting
- Informed President, 1st VP and P & F when arrangement has been made provide:
- Location
- Cost (if there is a charge)
- Person and phone that coordinating arrangement is being done with
- Verify with location POC in January of meeting year that location is still reserved
- Secure refreshments; pop, ice, bottle water, chips, peanuts, and/or cookies
- Provide refreshment bill to Secretary/Treasurer and copy to P & F at the show.
- Service as Committee chairman for special committee if 1
VP is not able too. Report result to the President
in a timely manner.
- Member of special committee appointed by; President and/or the Executive body.
- Historian for CSAS ensures that current CSAS officers’ information is present and accurate. Research and
document past officers’ information as resources allows. The 2nd VP documents other CSAS history that feels
is important. Information is position on the CSAS web site. so history is available. Works with the Webmaster
as needed for the posting of the data.
- CSASI officer; position, number of years serviced
- Awards presented; whom, for and date
- Document other information that maybe of future interest or importance