- Your photos and stories are
needed, and appreciated.
- Send all materials for publication to the Editor-in-Chief
- You are encouraged to submit articles electronically,
saved to disk or CD.
- Photos submitted via the internet must be in high resolution.
This means your photo must be at least a 250kb file.
All internet photos should be in the JPEG.
- The authors name and address must
appear at the beginning of each article.
- Files should
be saved as MS-Word documents or text files. A
hard copy of each article must be submitted
with the disk.
- When quotations, statistics, or other information is
borrowed, be sure to credit the source in a footnote
or bibliography entry. If you are unsure of the proper
form, see past examples on the printed journal.
- All manuscripts and photographs become the
property of the CSAS upon receipt.
- All articles are subject to editing by the editorial
- Closing dates for future journals is forty-five (45)
days prior to the month the journal is published and
mailed. This allows time for the Publishing and Finance
Committee to review journal content.
- Photographs may be submitted
- electronically,
- saved
to disk or CD.
- Please be sure that are clear
(high contrast) color or black and white high resolution
- You
may also submit good quality photographs
and we
will scan.
- Please do not submit low resolution
images or
Polaroid photographs.
- Be sure to write a caption for each artifact, including
information as to
- type,
- size (unnecessary if a scale
appears in the photograph),
- provenience,
- age
- the name of the finder and/or owner etc.
- Photographs of spears, points, knives, etc., are
featured with
- points up;
- spades and hoes with bit
- gorgets horizontally;
- pendants, plummets
- bannerstones
We do not wish to publish articles or photographs that
have appeared in other archaeological publications unless
there is a good reason for doing so. If, therefore, you
have submitted a manuscript and/or photograph to the CSAJ
that has been sent to another publication, be sure to notify
us of this. All photographs and/or disk are retained for
use and will not be returned. Please do not send us your
only copy.