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A Salado Human Effigy Axehead

by Steve Campbell

Central States Archaeological Societies 2020 July Journal

Johnstown, Colorado

This is an excerpt from "A Salado Human Effigy Axehead".

Read the complete column in the Central States Archaeological Societies 2020 July Journal which can be purchased on-line after March 2020

A Salado Human Effigy Axehead
Figures 1-5. Various views of the Salado culture human effigy axehead found in Yuma Count, Arizona.


This specimen (Figs. 1-5) was originally collected by Idameril Mabbitt (1915-2005) of Yuma County, Arizona. She was the mother of avocational archaeologist Claire Mabbitt Demaray. This amazing artifact was found near the town of Safford in Yuma County, Arizona. It is a relic from the Mogollon and Salado cultures, which inhabited the southern areas of Arizona and New Mexico from 1150-1450 A.D.

It is made from a beautiful greenstone, most likely a mineral known scientifically as metadioriate, a form of diorite that is composed mostly of feldspar crystals and green chlorite. It has a hardness of nearly 7.0 on the moh’s scale, making it an extremely durable but difficult material to work, especially with just stone tools.

The axe is.....

Read the complete column in the Central States Archaeological Societies 2020 July Journal which can be purchased on-line after March 2021