(Selected Pictures from the April
On the Cover
This magnificent pipe showing a chunkey player in action was originally
collected by Dr. H.M. Whelpley, and later donated after his passing
by his wife to the Academy of Science in St. Louis in 1943 (today the
St. Louis Science Center). A discoidal is firmly grasped in his right
hand and throwing sticks are held in his left hand. Note the hairbun
and earspools. This pipe was originally found in Muskogee County, Oklahoma,
and dates to A.D. 1100-1200. It is made from Missouri flint clay pipestone,
sourced near the prehistoric city of Cahokia. For more on the recent
research on this Missouri flint clay, pipestone see the article on page
photograph by Steven R. Cooper
Message from your Editor |
59 |
A Spider Pendant |
Dr. Sandy B. Carter, Jr. |
60 |
What is a Sloan Point? |
Juliet S. Morrow |
62 |
My Stick Can See |
David Marolf |
66 |
Book Review: Carved in Stone |
Steven R. Cooper |
67 |
A Spiro Mound Bipoint |
Wm Jack Hranicky |
68 |
Thinking Through the Heart: An American Indian Legacy |
Scott Chandler |
69 |
Differentiating Archaic, Woodland and Mississippian Copper
Artifacts |
E.J. Neiburger |
73 |
Clues to the Past |
Steven R. Cooper |
77 |
Mussel Shell Effigy Bowls, Crested Bird Spoons, and Freshwater Pearls
from the Cumberland River |
Kevin E. Smith |
78 |
An American Indian Quirt from the Northern Plains |
Peter G. Murphy and Alice J. Murphy |
80 |
The Redstone Tradition: A Rare and Elusive Type |
Jason Pentrail |
82 |
Indians Along the Upper Yadkin River Wilkes County, North Carolina |
Ron L. Harris |
83 |
Spar, Flourspar, Flourite and Kincaid Mounds |
David Sullivan |
86 |
The Leif and Bonnie Steuck Cache |
Paul Schanen |
89 |
Book Review: Legends in Stone - Cultural Edition, |
Steven R. Cooper |
90 |
A Large Ritualistic Limestone Semi-full Groove Axe from Buchanan County,
Missouri |
Dr. David A. Easterla |
91 |
Mystery Eggs Enigma Finally Solved! |
Gil Gilbreath |
93 |
Life at Fort Bennett |
Richard Peterson |
94 |
A Reunion after Thirty-Five Years |
Howard King |
98 |
Watching the Children Play |
David L. Foster, Sr. |
99 |
Some of My Favorites |
David Theis |
100 |
Like Father,Like Son |
Jestun Nutter |
100 |
The Woodard Site in Robertson County Tennessee |
Paul Lohr |
102 |
A Honeymoon and Artifacts Found |
King Ross |
105 |
Archaeology and Artifacts |
David H. Dye |
106 |
Membership Application / CSAJ
back issues |
108 |
Officers and Societies |
109 |
Calendar of Events |
112 |