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(Selected Pictures from the July Journal)

On the Cover
The Fort Walton Temple Mound is considered one of the largest earthworks on the Gulf Coast. It is 12 feet tall, measures 223 feet across its base, and required approximately 200,000 basket loads of dirt to build. On top of the mound was a large public building, which has been reconstructed in modern times. Nest to the mound is a museum with artifacts uncovered from excavations of it and other prehistoric sites in the immediate area. See story on page 118.
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Message from your Editor
A Good Day’s Hunting
Dr. Jeff Pyle
Mounds and Earthworks on the Public Highway Part Three: The Indian Temple Mound Museum, Fort Walton Beach, Florida, Steven R. Cooper EIC 118
Another Decatur Site Reported from the Western Kentucky Karst Region David L. Lutz 124
A Traditional Great Lakes Style Pipe from an Upper Creek Site in Tallapoosa County, Alabama,   129
American Old Copper: Was there World Trade in the Archaic? E.J. Neiburger 130
Traveling with Cameron W. Parks: Part One Richard Q. Bourn, Jr. 134
Shell Hoes Bob Reeves 137
Setting the Record Straight - The Importance of Provenience and Providence Steven R. Cooper EIC 139
Four Interesting Artifacts:
   A Late Archaic Gouge from Calhoun County, Illinois. My Pike County Trio
Korhan B. Raif M.D.
The Bell’s Field Pipe Lloyd E. Schroder 144
It Must Have Been One Heck of a Picnic
C.J. O’Neill
A Knife River Bifurcate Base Chisel Tip Point from Northwest Missouri David A. Easterla, Ph. D. 146
Stilwell – Rip – Cut – Tear Jim Steiner 147
Hoof Pestles: Art Form or Just a Convenient Reference? Merrill Kuske 148
Big Sandy and Rowan Projectile Points of the Archaic Piedmont: Classification Issues Peter G. Murphy and Alice J. Murphy 149
Soapstone Bowls Whole and Fragmented
   Part One: A Huge Virginia Soapstone Vessel: Indian “Crock-Pot” or Not?
   Part Two: Soapstone Ornaments - What Becomes of the Fragments of a Broken Vessel
Ron L. Harris 152
Cool Branch: A Fortified Mississippian Mound Site on the Lower Chattahoochee River Tim Brawner 156
Bannerstone Facts and Fancy
   A Case for Spear Mounted Banneerstones
David J. Vohlken 158
Two Collectors Share Artifact Stories:

The Big Thebes Comes Home

Bob Kassing 160

With the Help of a Few Friends

Clarence G. Mason 161
A Mineralized (Stone) Bone Whistle/Predator Call (Paleo?) David A. Easterla, Ph. D. 162
Book Review:    

A Field Guide To Indian Pottery In The Southeast

Membership Application   164
Officers and Societies   165
Calendar of Events   168