(Selected Pictures from the July Journal)
On the Cover
On the cover: Plate XXXVI from Some Aboriginal Sites on the Mississippi
River by Clarence B. Moore. It is labeled “Pecan Point,
Arkansas Vessel No. 13. (HEIGHT 7.6 INCHES.) This vessel (Catalog number
17/4103) is currently on display at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington D.C.
The text on page 469 states about this vessel: In Plate XXXVI is shown
a head bottle, a variant from the well-known and interesting
type of head vases which we believe (speaking of the United States) are
found only in northeastern Arkansas and in southeastern
Missouri. At the time when Professor Holmes wrote his “Ancient Pottery
of the Mississippi Valley” he had met with but eight other
head vases, all of which had been found at the Pecan Point site. In later
years other head vases have been discovered, but in comparatively
small numbers: so the vessels are as rare as they are interesting. On
page 447 of the same publication, Moore describes
his excavations: A warm thanks…are tendered Mr. R. W. Friend, of Pecan
Point, who cordially put his large plantations there…for
investigation, in the most unreserved way. Our digging at Pecan Point
occupied fourteen and one-half days …with a force of nine
men to handle the spades and four to supervise. Three hundred and forty-nine
burials were encountered….
For more on the archaeological journeys of Clarence B. Moore, see story
on page 118. |
Message from your Editor |
115 |
Letters to the Editor |
116 |
Obituaries |
117 |
Clarence Bloomfield Moore: A Man with a Lust for
Artifacts and a Legacy |
Steven R. Cooper EIC |
118 |
On the Trail of the Holy Grail |
Ron L. Harris |
126 |
Prehistoric Longevity: Did Our Ancient Ancestors
Live the Good Life? |
Dr. E.J. Neiburger |
129 |
A Formula to Preserve Fragile Artifacts |
Stephen Jordan |
134 |
Tempering in Southern Pottery |
Bruce Butts |
135 |
Overlooked Artifacts |
Bob Reeves |
137 |
The Journey that Uncovered a Long Lost Headpot |
Harold “Olie” Miller |
138 |
Variations within the Saint Mary’s Hall Point Type |
Malcolm McLaughlin |
142 |
Twist and Turns to Find an Iron Ore Axe |
Dr. Alfred Savage |
143 |
The Mink Spear from Pike County, Illinois |
Korhan B. Raif M.D. |
144 |
Thoughts about Arrowheads |
Bob Reeves |
145 |
Restored Artifacts and the Collector:
A Personal Narrative |
Kurt Kruggel |
146 |
Bifurcate Stemmed Points of the Early Archaic:
Rare in the North Carolina Piedmont |
Peter G. Murphy and Alice J. Murphy |
149 |
The Cove |
J. Steven Beasley |
152 |
Artifact or Eroded Rock? |
Shirlee Baillod |
154 |
A Semi-Mineralized Plains Big Horn Sheep
Evidently Butchered by Paleo Man |
David A. Easterla Ph. D. |
155 |
The Stories behind Four Artifacts |
Marty Benton |
157 |
Clues to the Past |
Part One: Judgment Call |
Steven R. Cooper EIC |
158 |
Part Two: The Opossum Creek Cache |
W. Rex Weeks Ph. D. |
162 |
Membership Application |
164 |
Officers and Societies |
165 |
Calendar of Events |
168 |