Central States Archaeological Societies
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Presentation Honoring John T. Crowley


Central States Archaeological Societies 2009 April Journal



The Central States Archaeological Society held its annual meeting March 7th, 2009. The officers invited the sisters of our late President and former Editor, John T. Crowley, to accept a plaque honoring his services. Current President Darrel Wilson presented the plaques in front of the delegates.
Afterwards, John’s sister, Mary Anne, sent the following note regarding the ceremony and the plaques:

My sisters and I wanted to thank you and all the Central States Archaeological members for the beautiful wooden plaques and the CSAS Journal. It was wonderful reminder of John’s dedication for Central States and American Indian artifacts. We knew John was interested in CSAS and were aware in a general way of all the positions he had held within the organization, but we did not really know the depth of his passion and expertise in this area. Thanks to you, we are doubly proud of John and wish he were still here so we could tell him. We are a very close family and we miss him. Thank you for honoring John.
Mary Anne




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