The Pennsylvania Fluted Point Survey by Gary L. Fogelman and Dr Stanley W.
Lantz is a complete report of early man's fluted points and sites in Pennsylvania.
This well researched book took the authors six years to produce. With a combination
of over 80 years of experience, Fogelman and Lantz have put together a most
impressive, well documented book on Pennsylvania Fluted Points, lithic (chert)
materials, tools, and sites.
All students and professionals interested in Early Man will find this book
most comprehensive and will want to add it to their research library. The
book is well researched and easy to read and is a great addition to Early
Man's research in North America.
Within the contents of The Pennsylvania Fluted Point Survey there are 866
recorded Pennsylvania fluted points, with most all pictured or illustrated,
many in color and most are shown actual size. The authors cover the eight
basic fluted point types found in Pennsylvania, along with dispersion maps.
The various lithic material (chert) used by Early Man is covered thoroughly,
along with the various tools used by them.
Clovis sites in Pennsylvania are discussed in detail. Along with the famous
Shoop Site, the authors recorded and show photographs of artifacts from other
Pennsylvania Clovis sites, many that have never been seen before. Also, sites
in the greater Northeast are listed.
This heavily illustrated book has beautiful pictures and sketches of Fluted
Points, preforms, and tools. It is a must for anyone interested in the study
of Early Man and his Fluted Points, and will be well received by the archaeological
The Pennsylvania Fluted Point Survey (8 ½ x 11, 311 pages, 22 maps,
56 tables 111 illustrations and over 1,650 photographs-many in color) may
be purchased from: Fogelman Publishing Co., 245 Fairview Road, Turbotville,
PA 17772-9063. Cost: Softbound $45.00 plus $4.00 P&H; Hardbound $85.00
plus $5.00P&H. Pennsylvania residents please add 6% sales tax.