My First Crystal Quartz Clovis
by Trevor Brunow, |
Central States Archaeological Societies 2017 October Journal |
Alexandria, Nebraska |
When I got out of the military in 2014, I started arrowhead hunting with a friend as a hobby. I went hunting every time an opportunity presented itself, as I was always wanting to add to my small but ever growing collection.
In March of this year I took off on a hunt, walking a couple of miles on a stretch of a friends creek land in Jefferson County, Nebraska I was lucky and found a nice small point. On my way home I ended up seeing a farmer who I knew owned a little bit of land and thought it would not hurt to ask if I could hunt it. The farmer said he had no problem with me walking his section, so I went home to share my new find and tell my wife about the new spot to hunt.
We immediately went to our new hunting ground and started to search the area. We walked a quarter mile down the sandbars, but did not see or find anything. Suddenly I spotted what I thought was a piece of broken glass. As I bent down, I realized it was not glass as I recognized it had flaking and shape. Upon picking it up, I realized I had picked up my first quartz Clovis point! The point was completely translucent and just a joy to hold. That day, March 17, 2017, will always be etched in my memory, as it was the day I found the “Holy Grail” of points!
After sharing it with some friends, I decided to join the Nebraska Archeological Society. We plan to hunt this site further, and hopefully many more fine points will be uncovered.
The clear quartz Clovis point in hand. |
The author standing in front of his personally found collection holding this two Clovis points. |