Her First Point |
by Anthony Havens |
Central States Archaeological Societies 2016 January Journal |
Collinsville, Illinois |

It was August 1st and a hot dry day. I had planned on hitting a favorite creek
as I knew the water would be low. I had permission and as I was leaving,
daughter asked if she could come with me. Anytime a young one shows interest
I take them, but this was my own daughter, so of course, I told her she could
go. She kept saying "I hope I find a point." I told her we don't always find
one when we go, and to not get discouraged if we didn't. “Ok” she
We got to the creek and it looked promising. There were no footsteps ahead
of us when we started. After four hours and no points to speak of, we were
to call it a day. Carly is seven and was ready to go after 2 O’clock,
but I informed her that we would go after we were both done.
Suddenly, as we hit the last gravel bar I heard "Dad.......LOOK!" She
had found a nice resharpened Etley that had a beautiful orange creek stain
to it. She snatched it up and homeward bound we went. She was so happy and I was too.
Two months later, she was given the “Excellence/Youth” Award
at the Yorkville, Illinois artifact show. Hopefully she will remember the
finding of the
point and the award for years to come. Even if she doesn't stick with the
hobby, I'll always remember the
look on her face when she found her first point