The St. Charles Point |
by Doug Goodrum |
Central States Archaeological Societies 2009
July Journal |
Bowling Green, Kentucky |
Above are two St. Charles type IX points. This style is rarely encountered
and is distinguished by it’s broad blade and equally broad stem.
In this variation the blade width always exceeds the width of the stem.
These show exceptional workmanship. The point on the left is made from
a banded glossy chert and measures nearly 4 inches in length. It was
found in Sumner County, Tennessee, and formerly collected by John Mark
Clark and Malcolm Parker. The point on the right is made from a high
quality Sonora flint and measures 3 5/8 inches in length. It was found
in Taylor County, Kentucky by Harland Williams and formerly collected
by Donnie Hammonds. It is highly serrated and still retains it’s
needle tip. Collection of Doug Goodrum, Bowling Green, |
The St. Charles point is an Early Archaic style, which
is commonly known as a dovetail.They are found throughout the Midwest,
and were named
by Edward G. Scully in 1951 for points that he found in St. Charles County,
Missouri. Several were discovered in Graham Cave and accurately dated
to around 7500 BC. These corned notched points exhibit exceptional flaking
and there are many variations of the convex base. These vary from rounded
to squared, bifurcated, eared and even a rare clipped wing form that
resembles some contemporaneous Decatur point bases. Robert Elder in his
classic work,, Early Archaic Indian Points and Knives illustrates nine
types and mentions that there are many subtypes. Most are in the 1 to
4 inch range. Larger examples do exist, butare quite rare. These points exhibit bevelingon the opposite sides of each face
upon beingre-sharpened, but the first stage forms are notbeveled. These points
show wide variations inusage, from spearpoints to knives. Many werefashioned
into drills upon re-sharpening. Obviouslythese were a multipurpose
tool whoseuse was widespread and common. It is interesting that the ancient
makers usually choose high quality flints and cherts for these points.The examples
illustrated are all first stage withno reshapening.
Elder, Robert
1990 Early Archaic Indian Points and Knives, Collector Books
Paducah Kentucky
Both of the above St. Charles points are unusual. The point on the
left is of the fractured base variety, known as Type VII. These are rarely
encountered, and this point is usually large and fine, measuring 5 inches
in length. It is made from a high quality dover chert and was found by John Richardson in Stewart County, Tennessee. It has
excellent serrations and a fine needle tip. The point on the
right is very large, measuring 6 3/8 inches in length. It is made from
a gray and tan nodular chert. It is a Type II style point, in which is
very little variation in the width of the neck regardless of length.
The base is truncated and somewhat fan shaped. There is minor restoration
to one ear on the base. Collection of Doug Goodrum, Bowling Green, |
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