Central States Archaeological Societies
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Selected Pictures from the 2005 October Journal

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Shell Bracket type Ear pins (left 2 1/2 inches), from Northern Alabama

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Pair of knobbed Shell Earpins, 4 inches long found Hamilton County, Tennessee

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Collection of stemmed and side notched Benton projectile points, all found in Cheatham County, Tennessee. A variety of material is represented including Buffalo River chert, Sonora, Camden, Dover and Ft.Payne chert. The largest is 6 inches in length. Collection of Leroy Irons, Gallatin, Tennessee

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Colorful ferruginous quartz bannerstone found in Cross County, Arkansas, pictured in “Legends” Vol.1, page 163, collection of C.J. O’Neill, Monroe, North Carolina

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Unusual and rare “Whaletail” bannerstone of spotted indurate Claystone from Essex County, Massachusetts. Pictured in Moorhead 1917 pg. 367, Lutz, figure 99, collection of C.J. O’Neill, Monroe, North Carolina

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Birdstone found in Hardin County, Ohio, and collected by Dr. George Schmidt who was one of the founders of the Central States Anthropological Association which was formed in 1922. After Dr. Schmidt’s death in 1962 the bird was sold at auction and purchased by the late Ralph Olson of Deerfield, Illinois; who then sold it to Sam Wasion of Kenosha, Wisconsin at the Badger State Archaeological show in 1988. On February 26, 1989 it was sold to Judge James Beer of Monroe, Wisconsin. It is Birdstone No.6 in his collection. It is made of gray and black banded slate and has drilled eyes and a incised mouth. After the rear perforation was broken anciently, a hole was drilled conically from the base up through the top. The birdstone is 2 7/8 inches long, 1 1/8 inches width, stands 1 1/2 inches tall and weighs 74.53 grams. Previously shown in the Summer 1983 issue of Ohio Archaeologist, Volume 33, Number 3, page 18. Collection of Judge James Beer, Monroe, Wisconsin.

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St.Charles/Dovetail measuring 5 5/16 inches in length, found by Steven Fall in a sand field on the Skunk River in Washington County, Iowa. Made of Burlington chert. Collection of Dale & Betty Roberts, Mt. Sterling, Iowa

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Black and white rectangular type bannerstone made of Gneiss found by Raymond Leathers in Keokuk County, Iowa and illustrated in Knoblock’s Bannerstones of N.A., page 423. It measures 3 3/4 by 6 inches. Ex. Julian C. Spurgeon Collection of Dale & Betty Roberts, Mt. Sterling, Iowa

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Unusual Wooden artifact from Levy County, Florida


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