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The Kooks Dovetail found in Madison County, Ohio. This beautiful blade is formally known as a St. Charles point but is often called a "dovetail" by collectors. This variation is known as a wide-small-base style of dovetail in Ohio. It is an Early Archaic period artifact dating in the 7,500 to 5,000 BC range. This extraordinary example is made of rare red variety of Flint Ridge flint. It was found in 1974, near Summerford, Ohio, by Jack Kooks. It is 5 inches long. From the collection of John Baldwin. Photo by Pete Bostrom. |

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Conglomerate discoidal made from quartz and jasper pebble in a black matrix. It was found in Scott County, Missouri. Ex. Payne, Caldwell and Bushy collections. Now in the collection of C.J. O'Neill. Tony Clinton Photo. |

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Four beautiful gorgets. The first is from Madison County
Illinois, the second from Peoria Illinois; the third from Marion County
Kentucky. The fourth was found in Isabella County, Michigan. From the
collection of Clemens Caldwell, Danville Kentucky. |

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Platform pipe made from Minnesota Catlinite. Found along the Minnesota/South Dakota border near Lake Traverse in the 1930's. Ex W.H. Jenson collection, now in the collection of Thomas Amble. Photos by Theresa Scheller. |

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The Lilbourn Mace, found during 1971 excavations led by the University of Missouri at the Lilbourn Site in New Madrid County Missouri. It is made of Mill Creek Chert and is one of the largest known examples 40cm (15 3/4 inches) long. Photo provided by Dr. Michael J. O'Brien. It was featured in July 1195, on the cover of the CSAJ featuring the GSLAS. |

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Morse knife found by Dawn Brawner in October 1979 while surface collecting on the Conecuh River near Gnatt., in Covington County Alabama. It is 10 1/4 inches long 2 1/8 inches wide and 5/8 of an inch thick. From the collection of Tim and Dawn Brawner. |

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Two views of the Brown County Axe, found in New Denmark Township, on the west bank of the Neshota River in Brown County, Wisconsin. It was found in 1937. It is 11 inches long 4 1/2 inches wide and 2 5/8 inches thick. This axe was chosen by the officers of our Wisconsin society for a cover of the CSAJ. Gale Highsmith collection. |

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An exceptionally fine bar amulet made of green gneiss, found by Sherry Harrison in 1981, in Lomax Township (T.8N; R6W; Sec 29NW) in Henderson County Illinois. It is 6 1/4 inches in length. Now in the collection of David A. Weaver. |

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Chuncky player engraved gorget.It was found about 1976 at the McDuffy Site (3CG21), in Craighead County, Arkansas. It was stolen from teh collection of Dr. Kent Westbrook and its whereabouts is presently unknown. This artifact was chosen by the officers of our Arkansas society for the cover of the CSAJ in April, 1992. |

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An assortment of colorful Dickson Points dating to the Middle Woodland Period. From the collection of James L. Kinker of Lake St. Louis, Missouri. |
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