reading Gregory Perino's "Points and Barbs" article in the January,
1999, issue of the Central States
Archaeological Journal concerning collectors finding artifacts in antique shops, it reminded me of how I obtained
one of the better artifacts in my collection. I, like many other collectors of prehistoric American Indian artifacts,
also enjoy and, to some extent, also collect other old tools and weapons used by our historic ancestors.
visiting a local business which deals in old equipment that had been purchased at local farm auctions, I noticed
a large work bench piled high with heavy farm tools such as hammers, wrenches, cast iron pulleys, mowing machine
parts and the like. I began systematically searching the table for anything of interest. My eyes suddenly focused
on something near the center of the table which was familiar but still out of place. I had to take a second look
to allow the image to process through my mind before I fully realized what was there before me. Lying in full view
on this old work bench among the heavy iron tools was this beautiful point (see photo). I immediately picked it
up and held it carefully with both hands, as if to protect it from all the dangers it had been surrounded by on
that table. I began examining it, thinking it would surely be chipped or damaged. But after looking at both sides
and feeling along the edges and tip, I soon realized it was well made and without a flaw.
was glad my back was towards the shop owner, as I am sure had he seen my face, the price he quoted for the point
would have been much higher This Early Archaic point may be between eight and nine thousand years old. It is 3
1/4 inches long and 1 3/4 inches wide The blade edges are serrated and slightly beveled. The basal edges appear
to be fractured and then heavily ground. It was made from a grayish-blue Kentucky hornstone with fine secondary
chipping along the edges. Most collectors refer to the type as a St. Charles or a Dovetail.

How it ever survived
in perfect condition under the previously described circumstances is beyond me. I think of it as "Old Lucky!"
when I left the shop that day with this fine point in hand, I felt the name could have been easily applied to me
as well. Keep on looking! You just never know where Old Lucky may turn up.
Gregory 1985
Selected Preforms Points and Knives of the North American Indians
1999 "Points and Barbs," Centra States Archaeological Journal Vol.46, No.1