The Baucom Hardaway Site (Peck and Painter)
charcoal, offers a much better opportunity to correctly date all the projectile point types in the Hardaway Tradition. We may find that the oldest projectile point in the Hardaway Tradition or sequence, the Haw River type (Painter, 1959 in Bottoms, 1970) may be older than 12,000 years B.P. The Haw River point might well be one of the oldest types in North America, and the Hardaway Dalton though slightly younger would still be older than the Clovis fluted point. The answers to these questions may well lie undisturbed at the Baucom Hardaway Site and if not, then somewhere else in the Southeastern United States.

Most Hardaway-Dalton projectile points discovered on habitation sites such as the Hardaway Site or the Baucom Site are rejected specimens, resharpened, worn-out or broken, and were deemed unfit by their users. This rejection of points, which to most archaeologists and collectors alike, are considered perfect, classic, or still usable specimens, was discussed earlier concerning the Hardaway Side-Notched type. As before stated, such resharpened, steeple-shaped rejects are a hallmark or common trait of the Hardaway Tradition. Basic, unresharpened, or unaltered Hardaway- Dalton specimens have been seen by the authors that were four or more inches in length, and these were not found on Hardaway-Dalton campsites.

This multi-purpose use and rejection of unfit or worn-out projectile points is further borne out by the fact that, on Hardaway Tradition habitation sites the number of projectile points far surpasses the number of end scrapers, side scrapers, and other edged tools. On Clovis Tradition sites, however, the opposite is true for end scrapers, side scrapers and other edged tools far surpass the number of Clovis fluted projectile points found. One could argue that this ratio of tools to projectile points and projectile points to tools reflect campsite activities such as woodworking, hide curing, etc., and not that of different traditions of projectile point utilization. The fact remains, however, that, in all sites of the two traditions known and studied by the authors, the aforestated point to tool ratios holds true and must reflect the lithic utilization traditions or preferences of the two traditions. Only time and much work will reveal the story, but at the present rate of site destruction we may not have sufficient time left.

Alamance -like

At a depth of 9’ 4", well below the Hardaway-Dalton level and still in the stratum of hard, sandy, yellow clay, one example of an Alamance-like projectile point (Painter, 1963) was uncovered (Figure 15). Morphologically this projectile

point seems to be midway between the older Haw River point and the younger Hardaway-Dalton and exhibits some of the features or traits of each type . The Alamance is one of the several types classified as "Hardaway Blades by Coe (Coe, 1964 p. 65, row B).

This illustrated example is labeled Alamance-like because it lacks basal and lateral edge grinding and the secondary retouch flaking characteristic of the normal or "classic" Alamance projectile point. It does exhibit all other morphological traits, however, of a basic, unresharpened or unaltered Alamance type. We believe it to be an unfinished preform of the Alamance type, lost or rejected before receiving the finishing touches. The reader will note that most, Alamance points exhibit a markedly steeple-shaped blade when found on habitation sites, This is due, of course, to the resharpening of blade edges, a characteristic of the Hardaway Tradition.

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