The Baucom Hardaway Site (Peck and Painter)

Kays Stemmed– like

A projectile point type unusual for the region was found at the 1’ 6" level near the top of a stratum of yellow sand (Figure 1) . This projectile point resembles a type found farther west and called: Kays Stemmed (Kneberg, 1956). Much controversy surrounds the chronological placement of this projectile point. A Tennessee and Alabama point type the Kays Stemmed has been found at levels dating from the Middle Archaic to Early Woodland, though most consider it Late Archaic. The different age estimates to this type range from 3,000 to 5,000 years B.P. The depth of its discovery at the Baucom Site suggests the so-called Transitional Period, however, a cultural period between the Early Woodland and the Late Archaic. The level in which it was found contained both ceramic and non-ceramic (steatite) potsherds, both in small quantity. For apparent reasons we have labeled this point "Kays Stemmed-like". Since only one example of this point type was found it is hardly worth considering.

The lower portion of the yellow sand stratum (from l’ 8" to 2’ 6") was devoid artifacts as was also the gray sand stratum below it. The gray sand strata was encountered at a depth. between 2’ 6" and 2’ 11" and lay on top of a thick stratum of yellow sandy clay.

Savannah River Stemmed

In the top portion of the stratum of yellow sandy clay and at a level of about 3’ 3" below the surface six Savannah River Stemmed points (Claflin, 193l ) were discovered. The Savannah River Stemmed is the hallmark of the Late Archaic Period on the Piedmont and Coastal Plain from New England to Florida, and is a familiar and easily recognized type (Figure 4). The usual chips, rejects and lithic debris was found plus a few sherds of steatite pottery, one of the traits of the Savannah River culture. The estimated age of the Savannah River culture is 3,500 to 4,000 years B.P. No postmolds, hearths or dateable charcoal was present.

Halifax Side-Notched

Below the Savannah River level at a depth of about 3’ 6", four projectiles of the Halifax type (not shown) were found. The Halifax, a side-notched point, is not commonly found in this region. It occurs as a common type in northeastern North Carolina and eastern Virginia, and is usually made of milk quartz. The Halifax is also a time-marker for the Late Archaic Period in its region of frequent, occurrence and distribution. The usual chips, rejects and hammerstones were found but here again no hearths, postmolds or dateable charcoal. Halifax Side-Notched (Coe, 1964).

Guilford Lanceolate

At the 4’ level in the yellow sandy clay stratum eight Guilford Lanceolate projectile points (Coe, 1964)(Figure 4) were found. These points are also of the Late Archaic Period with a minimum radiocarbon date at the Gaston Site in North Carolina (Coe, 1964) of 6,000 years B.P. These points (Figure 4) closely resemble the Nebo Hill type found in Missouri and the Plano points found in most of North

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